Travel in the Footsteps of Martin Luther

Together with some friends from our Lutheran Church in Apollo Beach, we decided to travel from Florida to Germany in 2017 to historical sites pertaining to Luther and the birthplace of the reformation. We do not know yet if we are flying into Frankfurt or Berlin airport. The plan is to rent a car and go from there.

So what would we like to see? It depends how many days we will have for our Luther tour. There are so many places of interest to discover in LutherCountry that played an important role and influenced religion, art, music, history and social life. The destination high on our wish list is to see Wartburg Castle, one of Germany's UNESCO World Heritage site, and see the room in which Luther translated the New Testament while he was in hiding.

Foto by Robert Scarth Close to Wartburg Castle is LutherCity Eisenach. Here young Luther attended latin school. The city of Eisenach also is home of the Luther House Museum. LutherCity Wittenberg has a lot to offer and is on the must do list to visit. Here you find the castle church where Luther posted his 95 theses. This coming year in 2017 will be a good time tovisit all the places that are connected to Luther because throughout the year there are a number of special events planned.

Are you interested to go? In the beginning of the year 2017 we will start working on the details of out trip and we gladly let you know what we are doing, recommending hotels and what to do in which city. My wife and I are both originally from Germany, but we never visited these cities, as when we moved to Florida 26 years ago, it was still "DDR", which means the communist Eastern Germany and it was difficult to travel there.

Please let my wife, Renate Bellingrath, know, if you like information about our upcoming trip. Please note that we do not plan to organize this for others although I am a part-time travel agent, but I only sell luxury cruises. But advise is free and the good thing for you is that we will provide an unbiased information, so selling!

Just send an e-mail to my wife Renate to r e n a t e (at) b e l l i n g r a t h (dot) c o M.

© 2016 by Christian and Renate Bellingrath. All rights reserved.